Our Phase III Molecular Mechanisms and Genetics of Autoimmunity COBRE works closely with our partnering COBRE, Science in a Culture of Mentoring, headed by Dr. Judith James, to develop an environment rich with committed mentors that encourage the development of our junior investigators. Each junior COBRE investigator and pilot project leader is assigned a primary mentor and two associate mentors with independent NIH funding, 10+ years of biomedical research experience, and a history of successful mentoring. Junior investigators will regularly meet with their assigned mentoring committee to discuss and set forth plans and goals for scientific progress and career development. In addition, junior investigators will receive administrative support through this core to assist in grant applications, manuscript preparations, and ensure NIH compliance. Junior investigators are required to submit at least one grant for extramural funding per year. A reading copy of each grant proposal must be submitted to the Mentoring Committee members four weeks prior to the submission deadline to allow the Mentoring Committee and COBRE PI sufficient time to make constructive comments and suggestions to improve its fundability before submission.